Monday, 12 March 2012


Heres a good exercise you could lead with your pupils to stop them censoring themselves when they are writing. Taken from where there are lots of other exercises listed by Key Stage. 

Free Writing

To encourage fluency in writing.
To practice writing without self-censoring.
2 clean pages
Step 1
Introduce Guidelines:
1. Keep your hand moving.  (Write everything)
2. Be specific. Not tree, but sycamore. Not car, but Mini.
3. Don't think. Go with your first thoughts.
4. Don't worry about spelling, punctuation or grammar.
    (You can go back to this after the exercise)
5. You are free to write the worst rubbish ever written.
    (Give yourself permission to make mistakes!)
Step 2
Try this timed writing for three minutes.
Begin it with 'I remember...' and keep going.
When you get stuck and feel you have nothing to say, write, 'I remember...' again and keep going.
Once you get going try to follow your mind where ever it takes you.
After the three minutes, stop.
Step 3
Now go for another three minutes. Begin on a clean sheet.
This time begin with 'I don't remember...' and keep going.
What are the things you don't care to remember, but remember underneath all the same.
Keep going, even if you write 'how can I write about what I don't remember...' Write.
I want.../ I don't want...
I like.../ I don't like...
I am.../ I am not...
Refine into a more structured piece. (e.g.10 syllables per line)
Use as a basis for an exercise in re-writing from a draft.
I don't remember the sound
the jab of your words shattering me
as you chatted on dismissing a quiet plea
saying again don't be boring shuddering
as another piece hit the playground tarmac
spreading into a pool of once-me
trampled again and again
by my big sister's silences and refusals
to look me in the eye at least

I don't remember my wanting you
to do the enid blyton best friend thing
and rescue me from the little girls that bullied me

Extract from 'Forget' by Dorothea Smartt
(p.27-8, Connecting Medium, Peepal Tree Press, 2001)

© Dorothea Smartt, adapted from Natalie Goldberg's 'Wild Mind', Rider, 1991
Great Poem from Michael Rosen, do you know any teachers this strict?!

Balby Carr

The first workshop as part of this great slam project was certainly a baptism of fire; ninety year seven kids, split between three poets (myself,Charlotte and Sarah) with an ultimate 12 winners being chosen to go forward. 

Each poet took thirty kids off to work with them on some initial ideas and, from this selection, 24 were invited back for a further masterclass; it was such a great mix of kids, those who were already confident, those who were shy and those who had never written before-everyone produced incredible work and it was a shame the competitive element of the day meant that only a few of the children could progress

The final 12 are a great choice though and represent a full cross section of the year group; they should be a force to be reckoned with at the south Yorkshire final in the summer!